Further your education with Credit for Prior Learning and MN Reconnect
According to the Inver Hills Community College website, “Adult Learners – No Matter Where You Are In Life, You Are College Material”. If you are thinking of continued learning options, you may be able to get credit for the skills and knowledge you already have. There are several options available for adults who want to further their career, and now is the time to have your learning evaluated for academic credit. Getting credit for your skills and knowledge will result in saving you time and money towards earning your degree. Check out the options below for some good ways to get started.
Credit for Prior Learning (CPL)
Credit for Learning is an academic credit that is awarded to students who can successfully demonstrate college or university-level learning achieved through informal or experiential learning outside of the classroom.
Credit for Learning assessments are formally created by faculty or the department and are available in our online learning platform, D2L Brightspace. Assessments take a combination of skills approach. Students may be asked to test, demonstrate, and/or write to show their learning is college level and is equivalent to the course they are assessing. Students will also be asked to provide pieces of evidence for their learning.
Dakota County Community College Credit For Learning
Inver Hill Community College Credit For Learning
Both websites mentioned above have information regarding continued learning options and the crosswalks with industry trainings, national exams such as CLEP, and prior learning assessments available for various courses.
HThury@inverhills.edu or Aria.Kronebusch@dctc.edu

Take A Personal Prior Learning Assessment Survey
Individuals can also take the Personal Prior Learning Assessment Survey. The survey asks about a variety of experiences people may have that could translate to college credit. Kendrah Pearson will follow up with each person. PriorLearning@DCTC.edu and PriorLearning@InverHills.edu
Both IHCC and DCTC can also provide funding to help participants pay for college costs; the MN Reconnect Scholarship awards eligible students $1,000 per semester, including summer terms. The program provides scholarships and a navigator.
MN Reconnect
MN Reconnect Can Help Get You There. This program is designed exclusively to support adult learners re-enrolling in college. A custom plan is created for each learner that delivers the resources and guidance needed to succeed in a flexible and supportive environment. It doesn’t matter if you are just a few credits away or would like to start a new academic journey, we will help you achieve your goals.
If you are a Minnesota resident age 25 or older and have completed 15 or more college credits without earning a degree, MN Reconnect can help you complete your education. We provide specific services and resources to help adult learners successfully complete a certificate, diploma or associate program.
Our participating colleges have proven themselves to be truly exceptional in their support for adult learners. With MN Reconnect you can finally earn your degree.
On a similar topic, if you know a student interested in taking a GAP year, check out more on our blog.