Do You Have A Student Interested In A GAP Year?
MINNESOTA – Inver Hills Community College has developed a gap year program that allows students to gain paid professional experience while also earning academic credits. Titled the Growth and Purpose (GAP) Year, the program offers students the opportunity to discover and research a project or interest before enrolling in college full-time.
The Growth and Purpose (GAP) Program allows you to pursue an area of interest while enhancing your resume and academic transcript. GAP participants get it all – the opportunity to earn credit, have meaningful paid employment, and craft a personalized service or research project in connection with a dedicated mentor. Inver Hills GAP Year program combines work experience and academics.
“We know that the fall semester is going to look different than many students expected and that some students may be looking for a different way to spend the next school year,” said Wendy Robinson, Vice President of Student Affairs. “The Growth and Purpose program is a way for them to earn college credit, to deeply explore an area of interest, and to have paid employment that is related to their interest area. GAP year students will have a year of purpose and come out even more prepared for earning a four-year degree, going into their career, or even applying for future graduate school options than they would in a “normal” semester.”
Participants of the program will have the opportunity to:
• Earn college credit
• Obtain meaningful paid employment
• Craft a personalized service or research project in connection with a dedicated mentor
Students will work with campus staff to choose course offerings that support their learning and development goals during GAP year. GAP Year students will be encouraged to take at least 6 credits per semester, although many may choose to attend full-time.
The requirements for this program are that students are 18 years old or older and meet the admissions criteria for Inver Hills.
For more information about the GAP program, please visit

This information originally appeared in a press release on July 22, 2020.
Lisé Freking
Inver Hills Community College